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Summer Safety Tips in Spring Hill and Shelbyville

Summer is officially here, and that means it’s time to dip your toes into the pool or lake, gather with family and friends, and enjoy these long days and mild nights. But as you plan out your summer weekends and family vacations, don’t forget to plan for home and family safety as well

You see, while summertime can be care-free and relaxing, it also presents some unique dangers. So here are 5 ways to help keep those near and dear to you happy and safe.

Sun Protection – Be sure to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen to all exposed areas of the body at least 15 minutes before heading outside. And don’t forget your furry companions, as they can get sunburned too. Apply a pet-safe sunscreen to their ears and other exposed areas.

Water Safety – Avoid swimming alone or under the influence of alcohol, and never leave children near water unsupervised, no matter advanced their swimming skills might be. If you have a pool, secure it with a high, self-latching gate.

Travel Smart – Make sure your child always wears a proper fitting bicycle helmet when riding a bike. And never let a child ride in a car without being restrained in a car seat, booster, or with a seat belt – the right choice depending on their age, weight, and height.

Hydrate – Between swimming, boating, and all your other activities, staying hydrated often gets overlook. Invest in a large, insulated water bottle that you can refill throughout the day to quench that thirst.

Home Protection – If you’re traveling away from home for an extended period of time, ask a family member or neighbor to periodically check in on your home, bring in your mail and newspaper, and turn on some lights. Better yet, have the post office hold your mail and invest in a timer for your lights. Add a motion-sensing exterior light near your front door and garage and make sure all your windows and doors are securely locked.

Here’s another smart investment you might want to consider:  a programmable thermostat with Wi-Fi access.  Let’s say, for example, that your plans have you away from home for the day and returning at 6 PM.  In the meantime, you’ve already programmed your regular programmable thermostat to start cooling off your house at 5:30 PM.  Along the way, however, your plans change and now your expected return time is 8 PM.  Using your Smart Phone or other mobile device, you can delay the time your thermostat switches to the lower AC setting and save money on your energy bill in the process.

And if you don’t already have any type of programmable thermostat?  Frankly, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish with Wi-Fi accessibility.  Contact GBT today for more information or to request installation.


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